Today I decided write to the white house in order to change the world. If you visit the white house website, you can see that you have only 2,500 characters to communicate your idea to the most powerfull and influential institution in the world. So I simply though «Let´s do it». This is what I wrote:
I have a dream that haunts me. I was travelling around the world during the last year knowing interesting and amazing overcoming histories and working with team working models to solve problems. Any kind of them. I have to confess that after all I live, beyond my experience, I am only a 30 years young. I´m just a person living as I were alive. Like the President. Deeply, intensely loving my loved ones and trying others to love me. But now only one question bothers me. During this travel, we only work with post-its, these small slips were the only resource we had in most of the places. And we came up with amazing ideas for change!! So my question was: Can we solve the problems of the world only with post-its?
I really think so. Because most problems you have in the international sand are related with people and teams. All of us we are only human beings and we understand the other problems knowing that we are only people, be President of the United States or a factory worker in Delhi. My dream, the dream that I am able to lead, is to build a community of facilitators not to solve the problems but to help local teams to solve each problem by themselves. The only thing I need to make my dream come true is one day with President Obama. My idea is to explain all the experience later with a sentence like this: «Ok, ok, I know it´s only the President of the United States, but imagine it was the most powerful person in the world to change the world every day. Imagine it was you.»
It´s only one day in the life of one man to pose a simple idea that can improve the all world. I know I’m a dreamer, but all we have was dreamed by others before us. I have no money for the trip, i´m just warning 😉 Thank you
That was all. Maybe a bottle in the middle of the electoral ocean. But I did it. I needed it.
los sueños crean su propia energía. si es dinero lo que necesitas, te llegará de la forma precisa. pero me surge una pregunta david: ¿igual al demócrata que al republicano?
cada mañana, en la mesa de mi cocina, medito y me dispongo a aceptar la disolución de mis problemas personales y los universales, que ya sabemos que son los mismos (a escala :)).
un abrazo y 24 horas.
Comparto mi opinión personal. Creo que dejar de hablar de ideologías y comenzar a hablar entre personas nos ayudará mucho a configurar una nueva realidad más respetuosa y abierta. A partir de la construcción del individuo (de cada uno de nosotros) encontraremos una construcción de la sociedad. Somos una sociedad rota. Es todo cuanto hemos creado. Somos maravillosos inventores pero pésimos gestores, así resumo últimamente la historia de la humanidad. Sabemos crear pero no sabemos mantener. Diseñamos experiencias vitales y sociales que pronto quiebran. La belleza entonces, en cada día de tu vida y en cada momento, se encuentra solo en esas diminutas fisuras entre islas que nos dejan ser nosotros mismos. En eso trabajo ahora. Intento tener una visión variada de las cosas, por ello una y otra vez insisto en generar identidad. Y en que esa identidad siempre sea el propio viaje.
Se que me ha quedado muy Kerouac pero realmente lo creo.
VORPA! Great post. Great Idea! You tried! We can do It! Let´s do it!
Only Actions Change the World and create something new. More Actions!
I’m still loving your U-Turn mind, Tatu. Don’t forget to pee inside and please don’t forget to smile outside!! We are living in a yellow land where some crazy monkeypreneurs can’t solve your problems but can do the right b-side questions. What are you talking about, vorpa? For sure I don’t have any fuck idea but probably the right ideas put one after the other can make a clare message. And why not, we can call this process «innovation». And then it’s only about make the monkey. And then it’s only about show me the money. Don’t you think so? For instance, imagine your new friends… Fin hugs!!