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the notable difference

the notable difference

Barack Obama´s 2012 State of the Union Address

If we remember Barack Obama´s 2012 State of the Union Address, we can see that the most of proposed changes are related to invest and create an overcoming team identity between their fellow citizens. I think that spirit is also a real need in our business and a key to make sustainable our current quality of life. He spoke of his military troops as an example in this sense: THEY WORK TOGETHER. This is the first thing we can learn about the new age we are living. The important thing now is not only you but us. Make teams, live teams, believe in teams. I think Obama is not financially a good regenerative role player, but their commitment to join and add value to the identity of his people is admirable. He always spoke from his people for his people. I do not approve many policies he carried out but their role is critical to embrace change in the structures of labor and human relations in the world. He spoke from the concrete, wth a bottom up vision. He knew the power of teams because he executed a team play strategy throughout his life. He defended in his speech retraining skills actions but also spoke in order to retrieve social and human values. In Spain we are not blessed with a visionary and openmind administration since 17 years. No president has looked into the eyes of ordinary citizens invited to the parliament. Is a real fortune and every northamerican can be proud of this, believe me from the distance. If we look at all of state of the union addresses in the last 3 years with his administration, we can see the relevance of the word PEOPLE as an article in Huffington Post said. Let me talk deeper about why this team-play, people-centered and collaborative behaviour is key for our inmediate future beyond the obvious.

There is a notable difference between men who believe in what they say and men who do what they believe. The first can change the world, the second can change themselves. And I admire these seconds. Thomas Edward Lawrence, one of my most admired legends, wrote ever in his work Seven pillars of wisdom this magnificent quote: «We lived and died a day» He was talking about the hard life in the desert but I think that´s all we can do as heroes in our lives.

I recently opened an online platform for talent that meets thousand of my friends in four different countries. I´m talking about extraordinary people who do what they believe. We all need similar places across the globe glocally (thinking globally, acting locally) I called my dream vorpalina initiative and is plentiful with incontable dreams of others. The idea is to add rather than divide efforts. We have a Hospital for enterprises where you teams are rehabilitated and a network of enterpreneurial households where you can live during your stay in exchange for assisting in the living room of these houses to one of our Breakfast at Tiffany´s. Local entrepreneurs attend these breakfasts to give and receive ideas and projects. We call it Breakfast at Tiffany´s because all the people who come are precious stones individually and after this, together. These initiatives are real and talk about people, not the debt of a country or global macroeconomics. They change lives and generate medium or short term revenues providing real value to the attendees because in these informal and personal meetings nobody talks about innovation, rather we talk about transformation.

In the new catalog of the initiative -that is visible through the web- we don´t sell abstract or impersonal things. We know there is a large collection of consultants who do these things with boring and bureaucratic procedures for a very high cost. What you pay is the brand and the reputation of that brand. But think about it carefully because now you don´t have money or resources. The smartest bid is always people. Is a sum of attitude, knowledge and skills. Currently nobody work more than 5 years at a company on average so the selling security and reputation is little more than smoke in the service of a historical prejudgement. For the last ten years I’ve been wrking on horrible and fantastic teams and the brand was indifferent, the differential advantage were always the people: the leader, the facilitator, the executor, the whole team together. So in a world where the top rated companies fall down over and over again, where is the real value but is in the people themselves?

You can trust in large companies, precious numbers in an excel sheet or can retrieve the value of talking to people, away from all that artificial universe we have created to feel safer. Because the reality is that we are not safe right now and that means something didn´t not work. In the top of our initiative we put this famous sentence of Albert Einstein that said: «Insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting different results».

So we are convinced that we need to work differently respecting the individual worth of each person and providing projection and development in multidisciplinary teams. So we combine, mix and play with this informal movement. We don´t need planning much or at all because we defend start living, mistaking and learning by doind. So stop benefits plannings and start making profits every day in your environment. We can help you because a thousand of extraordinary people is more productive and creative than a thousand employees hired under a corporate brand that will drown themselves. We co-create with you a new reality and offer the help of extraordinary people who embrace real change because we assume that each person can maintain their independence and autonomy always with a commitment to change and sharing some basic values and goals. The procedure is as follows: the initiative receives a challenge and call to the family of superheroes to solve it. in an original, personalized and agile way. This kind of strange attractors and challenges can change up your economy and reverse the crisis. I believe this with all my strength and I am betting my life on it. During this year I´m visiting more than 7 countries in America, Europe and Asia to improve and streng this movement.

You can be part of vorpalina initiative without travelling or assume heavy liabilities, only by your commitment and sharing your value with others. Very simple, very direct, so real… So I can use the words of Obama´s team to explain our WHY:

«No one built this country on their own. This Nation is great because we built it together. This Nation is great because we worked as a team. This Nation is great because we get each other’s backs. And if we hold fast to that truth, in this moment of trial, there is no challenge too great; no mission too hard. As long as we’re joined in common purpose, as long as we maintain our common resolve, our journey moves forward, our future is hopeful, and the state of our Union will always be strong.«

Un día ejemplar por el cambio

Ilustración sobre la Sociedad Red. Ruíz de Querol

Ilustración sobre la Sociedad Red. Ruíz de Querol. En ella se muestra los tres enfoques: Globalización económica para renovar la economía industrial (fallido tal y como se ha orientado hasta ahora), Proyecto de futuro para los ilustrados TIC (se abre paso y se asienta en la sociedad), y licuefacción centrada en lo inmediato (modelo en mi opinión a extinguir)

Hoy les diré por qué todo está cambiando y cómo 😉 Nunca antes en la historia de la Humanidad el conocimiento y la información habían estado tan distribuidos como ahora. El acceso universal a la información en red debe ser una prioridad para nosotros. Un sistema (estado, nación, país, comunidad, persona) conectado es mucho más libre que un sistema aislado. Partamos de esa base.

Hoy se ha declarado en suspensión de pagos Metro Goldwyn Mayer, todo un símbolo de una época basada en las grandes superproducciones y la generación infinita de ídolos inaccesibles. Las grandes corporaciones (cajas de ahorros, grandes marcas privativas, firmas multinacionales) se repliegan sobre sí mismas absorviendo a monstruos que se hunden mucho más rápido que ellos. Se agarran -no lo saben- a ramas que forman parte de una misma caída estrepitosa. Los grandes lobbys culturales (SGAE), mediáticos (holdings empresariales de antiguos magnates) y políticos (partidos) no se adaptan al cambio y sucumben en su ideología familiar y limitida. Incluso las grandes empresas tecnológicas que crecen y decrecen con los tecnoritmos de la moda son incapacidades de realizar predicciones certeras. El sistema financiero no es seguro y no está controlado, de hecho nadie lo va a hacer por nosotros si nosotros (uno a uno) no lo regulamos. Lo abstracto cada vez es más concreto, lo obscuro es cada vez más insultante. Los nuevos motores de los que muchos recelan desde su sillón son los siguientes: Transparencia (no mentir o reconocer los errores), innovación (es decir aprender de los errores y mejorar de forma ágil)  y sostenibilidad (conservar lo conseguido e incentivar la autocrítica constructiva para el cambio). Ergo la industria y las organizaciones, tal y como las hemos conocido, están cambiando.

Hoy Manuel Castells ha defendido el libro «Comunicación y poder» en Citilab. ¿Por qué?. Porque hemos dado un paso hacia adelante y esa sociedad de la información que se gestaba, ahora lo es del conocimiento y sabe controlar a sus políticos mediante fórmulas innovadoras, dificilmente censurables, inalcanzables para ese establishment industrial agonizante. Ahora lo que cuenta – y esto es histórico porque nunca antes se había dado- es un nuevo concepto llamado «persona», esa unidad autónoma individual capaz de interactuar y generar riqueza por sí sola con los medios que ya están a su alcance (internet). Cómo él mismo explica «creemos en la democracia pero ya no en políticos», «pasamos de la comunicación de masas vertical a la horizontal o autocomunicación de masas». Se crean 10 blogs cada segundo, en breve 4.900 millones de móviles mientras la balanza trabaja duro por contrapesar ese mismo segundo triplicado en el que muere un niño de hambre en el planeta. Lanza el concepto de «comunidades insurgentes instantáneas», habla de Wikileaks; de Aznar y la Guerra de Irak; de los 700.000.000 $ de recaudación de Obama, un 60% a través de internet por transmitir un mensaje de esperanza a los desengañados cuya confianza hoy  vuelve a perder (y reconoce haber defraudado: ¡Ya quisieramos un político así en mi tierra!). Habla de apertura de un espacio público, tal vez de algo mucho más elaborado que el ágora de Atenas, un lugar donde todos tenemos voz y se nos escucha por respeto merecido (meritocracia) y no por favoritismos o prejuicios ideológicos excluyentes, o al menos cada vez más por lo primero y cada vez menos por lo segundo. Participación y no representación. Responsabilidad propia y no delegación ajena. Para colaborar necesitamos reconocer que nuestra vida actual no es sostenible; necesitamos aprender de nuestras emociones (no negarlas ni controlarlas ni aislarlas); necesitamos educar en la imaginación e incentivar a los que imaginan y crean. La máquina de ignotos engranajes soportada por burocracia impersonal ya no nos sirve porque suena mucho, nos chirría. Ahora que conocemos, ahora que leemos, ahora que entendemos, cualquier monstruo de hierro nos parece algo remoto; de momento lo soportamos pero no por mucho tiempo. Ergo las personas y la sociedad -y de qué modo- también estamos cambiando.

Hablamos de entender el lenguaje y de explotarlo de forma inteligente sin que nos coma (web semántica), de preocuparnos por el mensaje y no tanto por la forma que lo ha venido conteniendo. Muhammad Yunus nos dice: «Si curamos a 1 persona, podemos curar a 6000.000.000. Simplemente es cuestión de hacer lo mismo 6000.000.000 de veces». Y realmente, si derribamos cortapisas y aranceles, es tan sencillo como eso.